天氣不好之屋內天文:Deep Sky Magzine 筆記篇 part I


之前看完的Deep Sky Magazine,也是個老的發霉的天文雜誌呢,不過卻很好玩,就來分享一下吧!

DEEP SKY 14 Spring 1986 volume 4, number 1

變星 Variable star
By David H.Levy
每期deep sky 都有的專欄。這期介紹的這兩個目標有意思,可能也很簡單,所以記下來希望有機會看看。

043274 X cameiopardalis :
This Mira-type star’s magnitude range is 8.1 to 12.6 and its period of 143 days is short enough to detect change every week. This star enables you to study the behavior of Miras in accelerated time,with 21/2 light curves during a single year.

122402 3C-273 Virginis :
As the brightest known quasar, 3C-273 Virginis appears as a starlike object of about 13th magnitudes. A quasar (short for quasi-stellar object) is not a variable star but rather the hightly-energetic core of a distant galaxy. If the galaxy were “normal” like M31 or the Milky Way, we would expect to see nothing because of its great distance. But the central part is visible so it appears star like in our telescope.
Observationally, quasars are much like variable stars in the their variations ate slow and highly irregular but manifest themselves in the quasar’s changing brightness.
I fist saw 3C-273 Virginis with a 6-inch reflecting telescope, locating it just as I would find an ordinary variable. When I began to make the estimate(as I would estiate an ordinary variable). I realized that this little point of light may be the most distant object I had ever seen – the core of a galaxy some 920 megaparsecs away. With a sobered and respectful feeling. I continued observing. Estimate this quasar’s brightness once a month. Its variation is slight, but it’s fun to look at an object that far away – so enjoy!
這顆星不是變星,是一顆類星體,也就是說,它不是恆星,反而是一顆發出高能的系外銀河核星,不過因為非常遙遠,所以看起來像是一顆星,也像是變星,因為它的亮度會變化。這顆 3C-273 Virginis 距離有 920 mega- parsecs,parsecs 是一個天文單位。1 parsec = 3.086X1016 約等於3.26光年。mega = 106,算算看就知道,非常非常非常....Xn 遠,若是我看的到的話,那就是我目視可及最遙遠的距離了。

Observing the IC4329 Cluster of galaxies
By Jeff Corder

請看看下面兩張圖顯示位於半人馬座(Centauris)的IC4329 cluster
Figure 1 : skech

Figure 2 : picture from http://astronomy-mall.com/Adventures.In.Deep.Space/ic4329ch.htm
其中 M-05-33-005 = Seashell Galaxy

Figure 3 : data of IC4329 galaxy cluster
